

Welcome to Prosperity Connections

At Prosperity Connections, we help people to work from home in their own online business by providing products and opportunities in affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing is the promotion of already existing products and services where the companies pay out commissions for every sale you make.  We encourage promoting “monthly memberships,” because you work once but get paid month after month as long as your customers are continuing to get value from the membership.

Although we promote membership affiliate products, not everything we promote is a membership and not all of our customers are interested in affiliate marketing.  Whether you are promoting your own products and services, promoting an opportunity or an affiliate marketing product, you need to understand marketing to be successful.

Our goal is to make connections with people who want to succeed in the online marketplace and inspire, motivate, and encourage their success.

We believe in the “Serve not Sale,” business model that includes Attraction Marketing.  Therefore when we enter the online marketplace we do so with “service” in mind to those who want and need what we have to offer.

If you would like a great business opportunity and learn how to attract a following of people who you can serve, sign up for our free “Path to Prosperity” E-Course.

Kaleah LaRoche
Inspiring Leadership